Brinley K., 2021 Bio-energy advances: a comparative analysis. Undergraduate Honors thesis. Department of Geography & Planning, University of Saskatchewan.

Dutta N., 2021. Off-ramping strategic issues from project EA in the renewable energy sector. MSc thesis. Department of Geography & Planning, University of Saskatchewan.

Fernandes de Sousa Moura L.. Renewable energy and energy efficient toolkit. MSEM Project Report. School of Environment 7 Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.

Gebre-Mehdin, A. 2020. Swedish FES-related policy: integration of national objectives and factors affecting local actors’ policy response, Master’s Thesis in Forest policy, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology. This thesis addresses the intersection of forest-, energy, climate- and nature conservation policies, particularly synergies and conflicts related to increased production of forest-based bioenergy.

Godinho Martins. 2022. Understanding the impacts of, and mitigation actions for, renewable energy projects: case study of wind energy in western Canada. MSc thesis. Department of Geography & Planning, University of Saskatchewan.

Häggbom, G. 2020. Aktörskoalitioner och strategier i policyprocessen: En fallstudie av Jokkmokks energipolitik(Actor coalitions and energy policy strategies: A case study of energy policy in Jokkmokk municipality), Bachelor’s Thesis in Political Science, Luleå University of Technology. FULLTEXT02.pdf (

Kvern, M. 2020. Strengthening Energy Security through Community Energy Planning in Churchill, Manitoba [Unpublished undergraduate honours thesis]. University of Winnipeg.

Leonhardt, R. 2022. Advancing Energy Transitions: A Review of Government Instrument Supporting Community Energy. MSc thesis. Department of Geography & Planning, University of Saskatchewan.

Nordlund, L. 2020. Att ta tempen på klimatpolitiska ramverk: Ett fall av påverkansfaktorer för klimatpolicyintegrering på lokal nivå (Assessing climate policy instruments: factors affecting local level climate policy integration), Master’s Thesis in Political Science, Luleå University of Technology.

Robb, K. 2021. MSc thesis. Nation-to-Nation Engagement and Meaningful Public Participation in Canadian Water Power Licensing. Development Practice in Indigenous Development, University of Winnipeg.

Ronnerfors, R., and Svensson, E. 2020. Viljan att investera i en bostadsnära solcellsanläggning: Undersökning av investeringsviljan (The willingness to invest in solar power in residential areas), Master’s Thesis in Economics, Luleå University of Technology.