CASES International Forum 2022
The Community Appropriate Sustainable Energy Security (CASES) International Forum was held on May 10th and 11th, 2022.
The event combined both virtual group sessions and local in person events in both Saskatoon, SK and Fairbanks, Alaska. The forum allowed for the sharing of preliminary research results from the CASES Partnership project, presentations from experts, and opportunities for partners from Alaska and Canada to connect and build relationships for future collaboration.
Building on workshops and interviews completed prior to the forum, we presented a short video profiling the energy security experience of community residents from Northwest Territories and northern Saskatchewan.
Please see the Forum Report, Workbook, as well as the Community Energy Video below.
Full group virtual sessions in the morning, followed by in person local sessions with each region’s group. During the forum we explored two themes:
DAY 1 - Energy Security
Day 2 - Energy Futures
A workbook that was used during the forum is available below.
Photos from the Forum - Saskatoon, SK
Photos from the Forum: Fairbanks, AK

CASES Partners
A big 'Thank You' to all of our partners that contribute to the CASES Partnership. We couldn't do it with out you.