UArctic Thematic Network Symposium 2019
The UArctic Thematic Network on Renewable Energy is hosted by the School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) at USask with the Alaska Center of Energy and Power, University of Alaska Fairbanks and the University of Tromso the Arctic University of Norway as co-leads.
UArctic’s Thematic Networks foster issues-based cooperation within networks that are focused but flexible enough to respond quickly to topical Arctic issues.
In collaboration with UArctic-UiT the Arctic University of Norway, the University of Saskatchewan hosted UArctic Thematic Networks Symposium on June 5th2019 on USask campus.

UArctic USask Symposium Agenda
Master of Ceremonies: Jim Lee, Executive Director, International Research & Partnerships, USask
8.30 AM Continental Breakfast & Registration
9.00 AM Opening Remarks
- Jim Lee, Executive Director, International, USask
- Arja Rautio, Vice-President Research, University of Oulu
UArctic Network Theme Panels
9:15 AM Northern Nursing
- Don Leidl, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, USask
- Rachel Johnson, College of Nursing, USask
- Bente Norbye, Professor, Department of Health and Care Sciences, UiT
- Valerie McLeod, Lead, Saskatoon Health Region
10:15 Coffee Break
10:30 AM Renewable Energy
- Greg Poelzer, Lead, Renewable Energy, School of Environment & Sustainability, USask
- Bonita Beatty, Professor, College of Arts & Science, Faculty of Indigenous Studies
- Ken Belcher, Professor, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, USask
11:30 AM Food Security
- David Natcher, Director, Indigenous Land Management Institute, USask
- Yang Yang, Lecturer, Johnson Shoyama School of Public Policy, USask
- Karen Tanino, Professor, Department of Plant Science, USask
12:30 PM Lunch
Economic Reconciliation - Industry Panels & Speakers
1:30 PM Keynote Speaker: Sean Willy, CEO, Des Nedhe Development: "Indigenous Economic Development - The Next Steps to Support Reconciliation”
2:30 PM Panel: Renewable Energy in Northern, Remote, Rural and Indigenous Communities
- Chad Eggerman, Partner, Miller Thomson LLP
- Albert Derocher, Economic Development Manager, Flying Dust First Nation
- Jessica Nixon, CEO, Cowessess Ventures Ltd.
4:00 PM Closing Remarks: Jim Lee, USask