Assessment of Biomass Energy Resource Potential and Opportunity, Pelican Narrows, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
Asante S, Islam D, Shah T, Poelzer G, Noble B. 2023. Assessment of biomass energy resource potential and opportunity: Pelican Narrows, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation. University of Saskatchewan: Community Appropriate Sustainable Energy Security (CASES) Partnership.
Assessment of Biomass Energy Resource Potential and Opportunity, Southend, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
Asante S, Islam D, Shah T, Poelzer G, Noble B. 2023. Assessment of biomass energy resource potential and opportunity: Southend, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation. University of Saskatchewan: Community Appropriate Sustainable Energy Security (CASES) Partnership.
Silas Asante - Technical Report (Esri Canada)
Silas Asante (2023). Technical Assessment of Biomass Energy Resource Potential in PBCN Communities, Northern Saskatchewan, Esri Canada Scholarship Recipient.
Silas Asante - Poster (Esri Canada)
Community Energy Profiles
Bespflug, C., Leonhardt, R., McMaster, R., Thompson, S., and Yoursy, A. 2020. Aklavik: Energy Profile Background Technical Report. Saskatoon, SK: CASES.
Bespflug, C., Leonhardt, R., McMaster, R., Thompson, S., and Yoursy, A. 2020. Fort McPherson: Energy Profile Background Technical Report. Saskatoon, SK:CASES.
Bespflug, C., Leonhardt, R., McMaster, R., Thompson, S., and Yoursy, A. 2020. Inuvik: Energy Profile Background Technical Report. Saskatoon, SK: CASES.
Bespflug, C., Leonhardt, R., McMaster, R., Thompson, S., and Yoursy, A. 2020. Tsiigehtchic: Energy Profile Background Technical Report. Saskatoon, SK:CASES.
Sigurdson, P., Ibrahim, O., Fernandes, L. and Balicki, B. 2020. Community Energy Profile: Preliminary Assessment. PBCN Communities of Deschambault Lake, Pelican Narrows, Southend, and Kinoosao. Saskatoon, SK: CASES.
Robb, K. 2022. Galena, Alaska Energy Profile. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Center for Energy and Power.
Robb, K. 2022. Arctic Village, Alaska Energy Profile. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Center for Energy and Power.
Robb, K. 2022. Kotzebue, Alaska Energy Profile. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Center for Energy and Power.
Technical Reports & Other Publications
Shah, T.; Poelzer, G., Ward, J. and Noble, B. 2023. Arctic Transmission and Distribution Lines – Maps & Fast Facts
ACEP 2020. An Assessment of the Potential for Small-Scale Biomass-fired Combined Heat and Power on Alaskan grids
Balicki B. 2018. The Flow of Knowledge is About Transformation
Bickford, R. 2021. Utility Student Internship Final Report: CASES Partnership - SEGA. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Center for Energy and Power.
Bickford, R., Hirshberg, D., & Robb, K. 2021. CASES Interview Summary - Galena, Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska: CASES Partnership.
Brinley, K. 2021. A comparative analysis of the advancement of biomass energy in Alaska, Finland, Sweden, and Canada. Background Technical Report. Saskatoon, SK: CASES.
de Sousa Moura, LF 2020. Clean energy technologies: Learning resource. Saskatoon, SK: CASES, University of Saskathcewan and First Nations Power Authority.
Gall J. 2018. The benefits of community-owned renewable energy
Hirshberg, D. & Green, N. 2021. School District Energy Costs in Alaska. Institute of Social & Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage
Holdmann G., Wies R., Vandermeer J. 2019. Paper published in the Proceedings of the IEEE (Volume: 107, Issue: 9, September 2019, p. 1820-1837) “Renewable Energy Integration in Alaska’s Remote Islanded Microgrids:Economic Drivers, Technical Strategies, Technological Niche Development, and Policy Implications” by. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2019.2932755
Martin J. 2022. CASES International Forum Workshop Report
Robb, K., Fitzpatrick, P., & Desorcy, G. 2020, July. Re-Envisioning an Energy Strategy for Manitoba: Planning for 2030 and Beyond. ConferenceProceedings: International Conference on Sustainable Development.
Robb, K. 2021 Utility Student Internship Final Report: Arctic Energy Atlas - Policy Framework. Fairbanks Alaska: Alaska Center for Energy and Power.
CASES Progress Reports
Years 1-3 (2019-2022)